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Metaz cream: its benefits, harms and contraindications

 Metz cream is one of the preparations that contain cortisone compounds in its main components and is used in the treatment of many diseases related to the skin or those related to the reproductive system, in addition to its effective role in treating skin diseases related to immune disorders, and through this article, we will highlight the most important details About Karim Metz, follow us.

Indications for use of Metz cream

There are many skin problems and different diseases that call for the use of this preparation, and the following are the reasons for using Metaz Cream:

  • It works to get rid of skin infections, which are often accompanied by redness or swelling.
  • It can be used to treat hair loss problems.
  • This cream is also used in the treatment of eczema, which is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin accompanied by scales, which often affects the skin of the hands and face.
  • It also treats psoriasis, which causes spots to appear on the skin with silvery scales on the affected area.
  • It works to get rid of lichen, which is one of the chronic skin diseases.
  • This product is considered one of the preparations that treat lupus erythematosus, a chronic immune disease.
  • It is also used to treat the problem of lack of skin pigment, or what is known as vitiligo.

General benefits of Mitaz Cream

Metz cream has many benefits that can be obtained from its use, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • It is characterized by being able to remove the unwanted skin layer.
  • It can get rid of any skin inflammation, in addition to relieving the pain resulting from it.
  • It is characterized by its low price.
  • Eliminates skin irritation and itching associated with this condition.
  • This is characterized by having an effective and quick effect on the problem that is to be eliminated.

How to use Metz cream

Metz ointment is used according to the dosage determined by the specialist, as the number of times of use and the duration of treatment varies from case to case, and only the doctor can determine the necessary dosage. As for how to use the preparation, it is as follows:

Before using the product, wash your hands well with water to get rid of any dirt.

A small amount of the cream is taken, then placed on the affected area and massaged in circular motions until it penetrates into the layers of the skin.

Miraz cream side effects

Infection of the area treated with the cream with a slight tan.

There may be a few bumps around the mouth, but they will go away on their own.

Acne may appear if the cream is used excessively.

The patient may experience blisters and thinness in some areas of the skin that are easy to injure.

Sometimes, after treatment with Metaz cream, a person is exposed to the appearance of capillaries on the skin, especially on the skin of the face.

The skin treated with the cream has thinned, but over time it will return to its normal state.

In rare cases, the cream may cause white or red streaks to appear on the skin.

Contraindications to the use of Metaz cream

It is forbidden to use the cream for those who are allergic to any of its components.

It should be avoided for pregnant and lactating women.

It should not be used by diabetics.

It is recommended to stay away from its use for those who suffer from cataract disease on the eye or suffer from herpes.

The cream should not be overused for a long period, as it should not be used for more than three months in any case.
