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 There is no doubt that dental care is one of the priorities and basics that must be taught to the child, because of its importance to all aspects of his health, whether physical, psychological, or mental health, as well as aesthetic, as dental health is linked to the health of the body as a whole, and therefore must be taken care of by eating Healthy foods and drinks, and thoughtful lifestyles that limit the damage to the mouth, in addition to paying attention to oral and dental hygiene, and periodic follow-up with the doctor, and given the importance of the topic of dental care for children, we chose to review all methods of care, in addition to defining the problem of tooth decay, which is considered It is one of the most common problems among people of all ages, especially in childhood and adolescence, and we will provide tips that ensure oral health in general in this article.

The importance of dental care

The primary teeth give a beautiful shape to the child’s face and help direct the permanent teeth to their appropriate and correct position and place. They are also extremely important and necessary for the child to learn to eat and speak, and therefore it is important to take good care and care of them, and about the structure of the mouth, jaw, and teeth of the child in his stages First, the primary teeth have a light enamel or (a thin, hard, white substance covering the tooth) of the permanent teeth, meaning that they are more susceptible to the problem of caries in early childhood, which can begin even before the appearance of the first tooth, so that decay occurs by bacteria, and it occurs easily Greater if sugary fluids reach the teeth, such as formula, regular milk, juice, and even breast milk [1]

About the impact of dental caries in early childhood on the health of the child, this causes him pain, which makes it difficult for your child to sleep, eat, or even talk, and can also affect the child’s ability to focus, learn and comprehend, knowing that children who Suffering from tooth decay at an early age are more likely to suffer from it throughout childhood.

Dental care methods

There are many ways in which dental health, in general, can be taken care of and maintained, including [2] :

Make sure to choose an appropriate toothbrush, and a medical toothpaste rich in fluoride, as it does not irritate gums, and does not lead to bleeding, knowing that fluoride is a natural element that helps prevent tooth decay and protects its formation, especially in the early stages of life, so we find it added to the wastewater in Many countries, as well as to the toothpaste for brushing the teeth, and to the mouthwash, with the need to commit to brushing the teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and evening, preferably after eating the main meals, snacks, as well as drinks, especially if they contain them. It is high in sugar.

Reducing the intake of foods that are harmful to dental health and health in general, including sweets, candy, chocolate, and hard foods that lead to tooth breakage, and it is also recommended to wash the teeth well after consuming natural juices such as lemon juice because it contains compounds that damage and weaken the enamel of the teeth.

Ensure periodic follow-up and visit the doctor every six months at the very least, whether the person is in childhood, adolescence, or after puberty, as well as cleaning the teeth at the doctor, to get rid of plaque or tartar accumulated on the teeth and mills, which in turn causes gingivitis Teeth are broken.

Other methods of dental care

The use of a medical rinse is intended to get rid of bacteria and germs accumulated as a result of eating various foods, which in turn helps to get rid of the bad smell of the mouth, as long as this smell does not emanate from the stomach.

Follow healthy and appropriate lifestyle habits, including completely quitting smoking, which causes cancer of the mouth and gums, yellowing of the teeth, and oral problems in general.

Use the floss to remove the tiny growths between the teeth that work on them, at least once.

Eating healthy foods, including those that contain fiber, minerals, vitamins, acids, and other important compounds for the body, as the lack of various elements in the body would lead to tooth breakage and weakening of its structure, especially calcium and vitamin D. Eat milk, dairy, cheese, meat, and others.

Eating sufficient and abundant amounts of water daily, as it moisturizes the mouth, prevents dryness, limits ulcers, bacteria, and germs, and cleanses the stomach of toxins that directly reflect on oral health.

tooth decay

Dental caries is considered one of the most common and widespread oral problems among a large group of people, as it affects about 3.9 billion people around the world, equivalent to 44% of the population of the globe, and therefore this is a serious indicator that calls for concern, as caries is caused by a lack of Hygiene and care, malnutrition, and about unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as eating harmful foods, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and others. Excessive consumption of sugars along with soft drinks is a major cause of caries (3), and below we will review its most important serious complications on the body And the most prominent of its obvious symptoms [4] :

Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of the teeth that turn into small holes or openings.

Toothache, spontaneous or spontaneous pain that occurs without any apparent cause.

Sensitivity of the teeth, a feeling of mild pain to severe pain when eating or drinking anything sweet, hot, or cold, and this also indicates a nerve problem in some advanced cases.

The appearance of clear holes or pits in the teeth, as well as the appearance of brown or black color in the molar cavity.

Pain in the head and eyes in advanced cases.

The pain increases at night, compared to the hours of the day, especially in cases of mills and advanced nerve.

Tips to encourage children

There are many ways in which it is possible to accustom and encourage the child to take care of his oral health and the health of his teeth, on top of which is that the parents take care and care for themselves and their health, based on the principle that parents are role models for the child in hygiene as well, and by providing all the supplies that facilitate the cleaning process for the child. Including toothbrushes of attractive colors, and toothpaste for children with a delicious flavor, such as cherry or strawberry and others, and with a fragrant smell, and by monitoring rewards that encourage the child to adhere to and continue to do so, especially in its early stages, and it is noted that in developed countries there are many One of the clinics for dental care in schools, where the necessary periodic examinations are conducted to ensure the health of students' teeth.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dental care, whether during childhood, or otherwise, would save the person the trouble of going to the doctor later, and reduce the pain associated with many treatments, including fillings, extractions, and nerve treatments, as well as implants, which are considered They are expensive, and an artificial tooth or molar can never replace the natural and original molar but is less efficient and more prone to fracture.
