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Does oily skin cause hair loss?

 It was found that some people suffer from hair loss problems, but it is still vague. Does oily skin cause hair loss, or does it have no effect on this?.. The answer is obtained by following the next lines, especially since the problems of oily skin are already numerous unless the secretion rates are controlled. Somehow fat.

Does oily skin cause hair loss?

Indeed, the problems of oily skin were not limited to the limits of the skin field only, whether for men or women, but also extended to the hair, causing the accumulation of a lot of fat around the hair follicles, making it greasy in proportions greater than usual for a healthy scalp.

And you find that the main reason why hair is greasy varies from person to person. In normal rats, an oily substance known as sebum is secreted through the sebaceous glands that are located under the skin of the head.

This substance plays an important role in protecting the hair follicles from harsh environmental factors to preserve them from premature aging or from drying out, as it adds softness to the hair, but if the secretion rates of this substance increase, the pores in the scalp are closed through the formation of the crust.

From it, the fragility of the hair follicles increases at greater rates, causing a narrowing of the veins feeding the hair follicles, and this leads to hair loss.

The main reasons why hair is greasy

There are many reasons and they differ if they are related to what makes the hair greasy, some of them are genetic and some are hormonal. For more details, you see that these reasons are represented in:

Hormonal imbalances in the body rapidly increase the fat on the scalp, and this may be one of the most famous patterns for male pattern baldness (in English: Alopecia Areata).

Unbalanced nutrition based on an unhealthy pattern of food, such as eating a lot of oily meals will cause oily skin, as sebum levels increase, making it difficult for hair follicles to breathe, weaken and fall out.

Seborrheic Dermatitis, although uncommon, is still occurring, the main cause of which is the production of Malassezia Yeast fungi that severely damage the natural balance of the scalp, and the symptoms of this condition appear in the form of fungal spots Or itching caused by the accumulation of oils and dead skin.

Lack of attention to the personal hair care system and results either from excessive or decreased showering and hair washing, as frequent washing has a role in drying the skin, thus increasing sebum secretion rates to compensate for the deficiency, while negligence and lack of washing would form a thick layer of crust to weaken the scalp Head.

Excessive consumption of hair care products such as oils and creams, all of which have a role in blocking the pores of the scalp, including affecting the strength of the follicles and the healthy appearance of the hair.

Climate change is one of the factors and causes. Climate pollution in itself may be a cause of dirt formation on the hair or an increase in dandruff.

Top tips for taking care of oily hair

After you know the answer to the question, does oily skin cause hair loss? As explained earlier, you need to know how to take care of it, and this is done as follows:

Follow a healthy routine and wash your hair in moderation.

Choose shampoos or conditioners designed for oily hair, provided that they are free of chemicals that are harmful to hair, while relying on conditioners of low density in particular, and can be replaced with coconut oil.

Follow a healthy and balanced diet as much as possible. Both healthy fats and carbohydrates are important for healthy and healthy hair growth.

Use a specialized medical service in case you cannot find the masks and personal care to put an end to the protection against hair loss.
